The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114846   Message #2467267
Posted By: irishenglish
16-Oct-08 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Debates: Members Only
Subject: RE: BS: The Debates: Members Only
Some observations-true McCain did come out stronger, this clearly was his best debate, but the grimacing and facial expressions won't do him any favors. Obama definitely played it safe, staying on message, and I thought his best line of the night was when he said he could deal with hurt feelings between the two of them but what was more important were the issues. I know its a tactic, but it worked, people seeing that would think-damn, I can say anything to this guy and he's not going to take it personally.

Also, as SRS pointed out, Sarah Palin only has as much experience with special needs children as her child has been on this earth, which is not very long, so McCain's comments were a little off.
Obama's 100% negative ads was wrong, but I find it funny that McCain equates negative ads as being both policy dispute AND personal attacks. So are we now to believe that every ad for either candidate is a negative ad if the opponent is mentioned? I heard sappy violins when McCain claimed he was deeply hurt by John Lewis' comments.

Did anyone else catch McCain's repeating "climate change" a moment or two after Bob Schaeffer told them what they would be talking about? Also, it was kind of a trailing off statement, but in the abortion discussion, McCain said, he would not use litmus tests, but he did not think such a judge existed that could be fair and impartial who supported Roe v Wade. I didn't hear any pundits mention that one, but that is a huge statement to make. No litmus tests, but clearly if you support Roe v Wade, you cannot be a fair judge. Remarkable.