The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115336   Message #2468335
Posted By: Donuel
17-Oct-08 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will Repub Judges Steal Election???
Subject: RE: BS: Will Repub Judges Steal Election???

Lazyness is the number one killer of Democracy.

This forum is an exception to the rule of not even talking to one another about the state of democracy or America.

Most people get too angry face to face to talk about politics.

The founding fathers knew that Democracy relies heavily on a free and open discourse.

We do not have one today. Think tanks have often advised that creating a society that has a foundation of 'everyone fending for themselves' will remove any power they have to shape or change the desires of the ruling class.

Isolation of people from their community can be done with a divide and conquer strategy or by racial, religious and ideological walls of intolerence.