The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115334   Message #2468357
Posted By: Will Fly
17-Oct-08 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Folk gets surprise boost on BBC TV
Subject: RE: Folk gets surprise boost on BBC TV
Showbiz, in all its forms, is full of children piggybacking in one way or another on the fame or power of the parents. It was just the same at the Beeb 35+ years ago, and it's probably the same now. Nepotism. eh? Sod all I or you can do about it, and "if I had a million dollars, just one million to call my own", I might even indulge in something a little outré myself. But it wouldn't make a ha'porth of difference to whatever musical talent I might have. In the end, if Edmondson senior or junior are any good, then it will show; if not, it will show as well.