The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115374   Message #2468949
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
18-Oct-08 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Singer/songwriters(again)
Subject: RE: Singer/songwriters(again)
Well Tim, its about being young and being old.

Young people always write about relationships. Even when they are writing about bad and troubled relationships, there is a sort of glint of hope in their eyes - cos they believe the world can be better.

And as Bob Dylan rightly points out some of us manage to stay forever young.

The rest of us get old, and we watch all this activity like wounded animals from the shelter of a cave.

And we know that relationships are one more thing we can't do - like fixing the car - we could never really do it - but we went through periods in our lives when we thought we could.

So we take pleasure in classic folksongs and classic guitars - usually perched on our pot bellies rather than low slung on the hip.

I agree with the rest of it.