The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14733   Message #246925
Posted By: Little Neophyte
24-Jun-00 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Guest, I'll bring you the lemonade. How about we get you a seated lawnmower. I hear that is a retired man's dream.
Relatively, I guess I'd be one of the 'spring chickens' around the community. So I don't mind offering up my dietetic services as Meal's On Wheel. I'll drive a golf cart around delivery prepared foods to your door. Puree, low sodium, diabetic (they get delivered first), whatever.
For those who are going to be shot in the head by a raging husband, you can order whatever you want off the menu.

Bonnie RD