The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115385   Message #2470049
Posted By: Azizi
19-Oct-08 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: 900 Obama Songs...
Subject: RE: 900 Obama Songs...
Thanks, McGrath of Harlow for starting this thread and for pointing out the songs that you like on that list.

Prior to watching any of those videos, I'd like to share two songs about Senator Barack Obama campaign that have impressed me the most:

"Yes We Can"'s "Yes We Can" video represents for me the past, the present, and the future. This video demonstrates the high value given to the spoken word in African & African Diaspora cultures and shows the close connection between the spoken word and song. I consider Obama's speech in New Hampshire to be one of the most powerful speeches that he has given thus far. And I consider will.i. am's video of that speech to be the most powerful, highly innovative, aesthetically pleasing videos of a political speech that I've ever seen & heard.


For Obama: "Si Se Puede Cambiar" by Andres Useche

I really like this video because of the power of the song's lyrics. I also like the video's images.

In my opinion, "Si Se Puede Cambiar" {Yes We Can Change} is worthy of being considered along with great American "songs for folk" like "If I Had A Hammer". I love this song because of its message of hope and strength. I also love it because its "Yes We Can" message focuses on "everyday people" and not on Obama himself. In so doing, Useche's song accurately reflects the spirit and the power of Obama's presidential campaign.