The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115395   Message #2470100
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Oct-08 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will Obama Win???
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
Dani....when I said "Wait and see", I sure as hell did not mean "sit on your ass and DO nothing while you're waiting"!

Geez. What I meant was that it's a bit vain to go stating absolute certainties about an uncertain future, but people do it because it makes them feel good.

As I've said, if the election is conducted fairly and honestly, Obama will win. If Bush doesn't engineer another 911 or another major war, Obama will win. If Bush doesn't declare martial law and suspend the elections, Obama will win. And there are other "ifs" too...but best left unsaid.

NEVER be so proud as to count your chickens before they are hatched, that is all I'm saying when I say "wait and see". Never assume entitlement is yours, but keep on keepin' on!

I hope that Barry is dead right. I hope to God that Obama wins and that none of the above hypothetical scenarios I alluded to above occurs.