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Thread #115410   Message #2470446
Posted By: Michael Harrison
20-Oct-08 - 12:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: W
Subject: RE: BS: W
My wife and I saw it last night and just for the record we are both
left-wingers (unfortunately not for the Red Wings) who just detest
GWB; either of us will turn the volume down to "zero" on the t.v. or radio if he comes on as the sound of his voice is just the most sickening thing and cannot be tolerated; besides, he has nothing to say that either of us are interested in hearing except, "I quit."

As for the film: a big let down for me and a moderate one for my wife. Why? Well, we were expecting more of a comedy and it is not a comedy; in fact, we're not sure what it really is. Sure, there were some funny bits, but it wasn't a ha-ha kind of film; then again, how could you make a comedy out of the life of GWB given what he has done for the last eight years?

All the bit players were there - Condi, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, Tenet, Paul,...ah,...whats-his-name; but, most of them were not portrayed as I think they really are, so either I'm totally wrong about them or I don't understand what they were doing in the film.

Without writing and writing and writing and writing I'd serve this thread best by saying go see for yourself, but know that it is not a comedy.

To conclude: I thought that most of the "bit players," with the exception of Rice, were just not portrayed accurately enough and Bush was presented as exercising more authority than many people think he ever has - and I personally think that he is a moronic puppet for Rove and the neo-cons who are now running the GOP.   

My wife and I both agreed that the movie was surely one thing -    an anti-war film, and that's in keeping with Stone's track record. The most significant thing for me, and the saddest, is that the movie broke me from even the slightest (and I've desperately held on to a tiny bit) hope that those who might govern us are cut from a slightly better cloth - it's bullshit! For me the movie was a slap in the face with the reality that the only thing we have to govern ourselves with is ourselves - and that's not very encouraging. One
might feel a bit sorry for the pathetic GWB, but I agree with Donald
Trump who told Wolf Blitzer that it is a crime that Pelosi and the democrat congress have not impeached Bush for war crimes. As one might imagine - my views are not widely held in Texas. Cheers,.........mwh