The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2470466
Posted By: Joe Offer
20-Oct-08 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Gee, some of you guys are a little hard on us religious people.
Some of us go to church because we believe the world can and should be a better place, and in church we find ways to try to make it so, and people who want to work with us to make a better world. And in making ourselves and our world better, we see ourselves as worshipping God. Religious faith has been a primary motivator for a good number of people who have been involved in civil rights, antiwar, and other social justice movements.

That's certainly not always the case, but a good number of religious people find church to be a place of kindness, wisdom, social justice - and God. Go to to hear Martin Sheen talk about it. Go to Sojourners for another presentation of the same sort of thinking.

I don't want to get into yet another argument about religion, but I thought it worthwhile to point out that there are other perspectives. But it is true that church is a very good place to get away from Riginslinger....
