The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2470607
Posted By: Riginslinger
20-Oct-08 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
"Give it a rest, for God's sake! (And I don't mean that literally...)"

                      Yes, LH, I totally agree that the god thing can, as has been, beat into the ground. But we were commenting on Powell's endorsement of Obama, when Ron Davies, for the 348th time, demanded an explanation as to why one would support McCain if one were opposed to what he terms "organized religion."

                      Though he's been given multiple explanations, he doesn't seem to be able to grasp the reality of what has been posted right in front of his face. It's as though, there is some magical answer out there that will satisfy him, but only he knows it and he's just waiting for somebody else to stumble across it.

                      One might rationally lable this phenomenon the Rumpelstiltskin syndrome. It's a malady that Ron Davies seems to suffer from in the extreme.