The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2470857
Posted By: Sawzaw
20-Oct-08 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Sen. Obama has refused to instruct Harvard Law School to release any information about his time there as a student, or about his student loans.

"the fact that both Barack and Michelle say that their education was paid for with student loans. So I guess I'm willing to believe them before I am willing to believe Percy Sutton on this one."

A report in The Chicago Sun claimed that Obama borrowed $42,753 to pay for Harvard Law School, and "tens of thousands" more to pay for undergraduate studies at Columbia.The same report said that Michelle Obama borrowed $40,762 to pay for her years at Harvard Law School.But a Newsmax review of Senator Obama's financial disclosures found no trace of any outstanding college loans, going back to 2000.As a United States Senate candidate, Barack Obama was required to file a financial disclosure form in 2004 detailing his assets, income, consulting contracts, and liabilities.
   Obama listed "zero" under liabilities in 2004 and in all subsequent U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms.Under the Senate ethics rules, he is required to disclose any loan, including credit card debt, of $10,000 or more. The only exception to the reporting requirement is mortgage debt on a principal residence.