The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2471212
Posted By: Bill D
20-Oct-08 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
As I have said...and posted here...for 2-3 years, OF COURSE many Senators voted for giving Bush freedom to enter Iraq, and OF COURSE Powell made that presentation to the UN in good faith. What else were they to do? They were told that we had 'good evidence' that Saddam had WMDs and planned to use them...they were giving the president, who was supposed to KNOW, the benefit of the doubt! Still, a few, like Obama, were suspicious and not convinced that war was a good idea.

It became clear after awhile that Bush/Cheney and company flat wanted an excuse to be seen as heroes and liberators and did precious little to examine those flawed sources of intelligence! It was what they wanted to hear! There was a program on TV a few days ago about 'Curveball' and his history and credentials - and enough was known even back then to make his stories suspect....remember, Curveball LEFT Iraq in 1999 for Germany.

I actually suspect Powell feels chagrin at not having been able to GET the full story and do independent checking before making that UN speech.....but there is sure no doubt he felt used and deceived. I am surprised he has said so little about it.