The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #247143
Posted By: GUEST,Lady Dorothy Wibley-Forbes
26-Jun-00 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
Or Dottie to my chums.

And that really rather depends on you, Richard, old boy!

Lady Hermione regrets she's unable to lunch today. She did, though, ask me to pass on her good wishes to all her new friends, and to chastise you, Richard, for being such a naughty chap!

You said:
"Err - Hermione, did you get a date wrong? Treaty of Leake, 1318"

Now. If you had have read her words on 08-Jun-00 - 09:23 PM, you would have clearly seen, Treaties of Leake and the like, notwithstanding:
"Sorry for any confusion caused, Richard. I naturally assumed that this date was engrained in all of our collective psyches.
Reggie's great Uncle Cuthbert, who often had the ear of dear Queen Vic., used to gather us round the fireside in the evening. And as he would bounce me on his lap, up and down, he would often tell of the evening that grave news reached the shores of old Blighty concerning events in nether parts of the world.

Indeed, Richard, grave news. Grave news indeed, Richard! We had time, though, to prepare, and by the time the blasted thing hit, somewhere around 1350, anybody who was anybody, had hopped off to more clement climes to ride out the storm, as it were."

You haven't read your Treveleyan, Richard, dear boy! Or Macauley, for that matter. You obviously haven't read closely Lady Hermione's words
But there you went; charging in with gay abandon, not caring where your sword flailed.
So forceful you are, Richard; so.......dominant A Man of Letters, I should have thought, would have exhibited more breeding and thoughtfulness, especially to a dear old lady of The Duchess' standing.
Fie, Richard. Fie!

:( D W-F