The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115410   Message #2471466
Posted By: Michael Harrison
21-Oct-08 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: W
Subject: RE: BS: W
Well, that's why Roger Ebert does movie reviews and I don't. To tell the truth, I have held no knowledge of the Bush family's personal doings and inter-relations; and, though I did come away from the film wanting to feel sorry for GWB - my distate for him would not let me do it. The man is a murderer and a home-wrecker on a GRAND scale and I cannot forgive him for the deaths he has caused and the pain and suffering he has caused for so many, many people - certainly I speak of Americans, but Iraqi's and others, too.

I do think Ebert said what I was sort of trying to say about the "bit players;" again, though, I don't think they acted as I would have expected them too. Dreyfuss looked a lot like Cheney, but I think that Cheney is the devil-incarnate and Dreyfuss wasn't
surly and cold enough except during one scene that discussed Iraq and the taking over of the middle east.

I wouldn't go see it again, but with Ebert expressing the "known" truths about GWB and the family, it certain puts it in a different light for me. Thanks for posting Ebert's review. Cheers,....mwh