The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2471535
Posted By: CarolC
21-Oct-08 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
On the subject of the economic stimulus package they're considering now, Obama has been saying it should go toward investing in our infrastructure and not be a handout as such. And they seem to be gravitating toward that option. Several good things would come out of that... 1. new jobs would be created. 2. people would have more money to spend. 3. communities would have an influx of money from the projects and from the increase in disposable income that the people with the new jobs would have. 4. our infrastructure would be strengthened (something that is badly needed).

Here's Obama's page with his positions on immigration.

So far, I haven't heard him say anything about the North American Union. But what I have heard him say on the subject of things like that (NAFTA, for instance) is that we need to make sure that any free trade agreements we have are based on human rights considerations and environmental conditions. He is not in favor of any free trade agreements that don't require fairness and consideration for the environment. For instance, he voted against a free trade agreement with Columbia because of the problem in that country of union members and organizers being targeted for assasination, and because of the way workers are being treated in that country.