The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2471669
Posted By: kendall
21-Oct-08 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
I've got news for Rush Limbaugh. If Powell's support of O'Bama is all about race, then any white person backing McCain is also about race.

Doug, have you taken a good look at McCain's experience? What has he done to qualify him for the job of president?
5th from the bottom at Annapolis. Crashed 5 very expensive planes.Booze, women, troublemaker. all of these things he admits. He was called Mcnasty in school. He has a temper, he's impulsive and erratic. He dumped his badly injured wife for a "Chick", and he was "Doing" her while he was still married.

There are two good things about McCain that I appreciate.
1. He conducted himself with honor while a prisoner in Viet Nam, and he told that witless old cow on tv that Obama is not an Arab, that he is a decent family man, and that we should not fear his becoming president.

Now, O'Bama has in his camp, Warren Buffet, Colin Powell, and Joe Biden to fill in his gaps.
McCain has a gang of former Attorneys General,and Caribou Barbie, all loyal Republicans. How can they stack up?

Here is a man who called his wife the most disgusting name in the book, IN PUBLIC. It rhymes with hunt.Don't believe it? go to google and look it up.

He has his good points, but qualifications to be president is not one of them.