The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2471799
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Oct-08 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Actually, DougR, I would be outraged, except over the years I have come to understand that you are a fellow so trapped in your views, and so handicapped by your inability to analyze your own positions, that you really cannot help yourself. Let's take a look at your own words, eh?

Seriously, I can well understand why Colin Powell turned on the Republicans. After all, what have Republican presidents ever done for him? I mean other than naming him first African American to head the Joint Chief's of Staff, first African-American four star general, first African-American National Security Adviser, and first African-American Secretary of State.

I wonder what Barak O'Bama offered him? Must have been pretty good, though, since he said Race had nothing to do with his decision.

OK, let's start with the first paragraph, O Great American. Did the thought ever occur to you that no one did anything for Colin Powell? Did the thought ever occur to you that he worked his way up to four star, and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs by virtue of hard work, bravery in battle, caring for his men, etc? Did it ever occur to you that he became National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State because he had worked hard at developing the necessary skill set? And all these things during a shameful time in our country's history when nothing more than the amount of melanin in one's skin could sink a career? This man overcame race and achieved high position on the basis of great character. And all you can do is act like some white guy did him a favor?????? The position you take only causes me to pity you, not to respect a well thought out counter opinion. Your statement is racist, DougR, but you will never admit or even be able to see that. You are trapped by your blinders.

Then you go on and attack the motivations of Powell, an honorable man by all accounts from the Right and the Left, by suggesting he only made the endorsement because of some specious "offer". First off, McCain himself said that Obama is a decent, hard working, family oriented, American whom McCain simply has fundamental disagreements with. Obama himself was taken by surprise by the endorsement, and had no prior knowledge. Can you not see that your specious attacks on the honor of a decent and patriotic American (Obama, as well as Powell) are based on a terrible cynicism that is decidedly unAmerican?

To those that think I am being too hard on DougR, please understand that I am sick to death of these attacks from right wingers who think that God speaks only through them, that they have the only answers. I am sick to death of folks that hide their bigotry and intolerance behind nice demeanors and the American flag. Being a left winger, a Democrat, and a progressive DOES NOT make me any less patriotic than you, Sir. On the basis of my service to my country in the military, on the field, as a community volunteer for many agencies, by my political involvement, by my community organizing efforts, by my union organizing to help working families, and every other thing I do to enhance our society, I claim my right to say that I love this country every bit as much as you. In fact I respect its diversity and recognize its beauty much better than you. And I claim the right to call you, and those who think like you, by your name. You have a skewed vision of what "America" is, and if allowed to go unchallenged, we will continue our slide from the Land of Promise all the way down to the just another civilization that failed. Which will it be, Doug?
