The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2471826
Posted By: Bill D
21-Oct-08 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
It is sad when being a dedicated Republican has become such a 'faith' that one cannot see when their party had been co-opted by folks who do a disservice to its basic principles.

When bad choices in candidates are made and bad campaigning is employed in order retain power at any cost, it casts a pall over the entire structure.

When one has to close one's eyes & squint to avoid seeing appalling negative ads and convoluted rationalizations of obviously irrelevant & inaccurate assertions about one's opponents, it suggests that loyalty is overriding sense & logic.

Many, many respected **REPUBLICAN** columnists, pundits, fellow congressmen and just plain party members have realized that the GOP has strayed way off course, and that it is time to concede this one and regroup in order to reclaim the party from the Karl Roves & Bush's & Cheney's & David Addington's who have tried to create a fiefdom, rather than just a party with a conservative view.

When MY party was running against Bob Dole and Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower and worried about running against Rockefeller and Howard Baker and others, I worked to win, but did not fear those honorable men. It's time we returned to that situation.

Do not fret...Obama is an intelligent, hard working man who cares...and he will NOT drive the country into ruin. Even hard-core conservatives won't find their lives ruined and the world in chaos because this young man of mixed heritage has disrupted Karl Rove's idea of perpetual power.....just wait....