The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2471850
Posted By: Amos
21-Oct-08 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
The dramatically despicable hatemonger, Rush Limbaugh, has asserted that Powell's endorsement is first and foremosty about race. In asserting this, Mr Limbaugh has sustained his own reputation for hatefulness and hateability. Furthermore he has revealed that he has great powers of telepathic insight, perhaps induced by his own drug adfdiction years, to read Mr Powell's mind, ignore the rational expressions which come out of his mouth, and cut through to the dark inner Freudian calculations which "must be there" according to Mister Limbaugh's impeccable track record in performing telepathy and psychoanalysis.

But unlike Mister Limbaugh, Colin Powell is not a charlatan. He is a tragic figure, in that his own loyalty to his duty forced him to compromise his integrity before the UNited Nations, an act he has publically regretted and apologized for.

And unlike Colin Powell, Rush Limbaugh is and charlatan. He markets anger, and uses anger to flog his prospects. He does so very profitably, no mistake. But his anger, like most regurgitated anger, has no truth in it. He peddles falsehoods, deals in histrionic distortion as a stock in trade, and does not know what truthfulness is or sounds like.

He could learn, if he listened to Powell. But he is too busy trading in false realities to listen to anyone, except his accountant.