The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2472316
Posted By: Sawzaw
21-Oct-08 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Bill Ayers:

"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents"

"Memory is a motherfucker"

Ayers was a leader of the Days of Rage, a vandalism spree in Chicago in which bystanders were assaulted. To acquire false IDs needed to survive underground, Ayers confesses, "we stole wallets and purses without much concern for our victims."

"It was a risky business that could reel out of control without warning. We were trying to learn artfulness and stealth, and stealing purses was definitely from the old school. More important, these papers were unreliable, and had a short shelf life. As soon as they were reported missing, everything stopped working, and it could prove disastrous to buy a car, for example, or rent an apartment"

"We hoped to use our celebrity in the lunatic left as well as the gathering Weathermyth in the larger world to persuade others to pull back. We knew where to find a few organized groups--the Red Family and the Proud Eagle Tribe, for example, the Motherfuckers and the White Panthers--and we held several secret summits where we had the traditional frank exchange of views and hammered out some kind of new formal understanding. Only once, in a dingy basement hideout near Houston, were guns drawn, but it was based on a misunderstanding--the crazies thought Jeff Jones had said, "We can turn you shits in in D.C." when he had actually said, "We can turn you into fish in the sea"--and we laughed about it later as we passed a joint."