The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115383   Message #2472353
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Oct-08 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wasilla, Alaska speaks about Palin
Subject: RE: BS: Wasilla, Alaska speaks about Palin
We got a call last night from our friend in Wasilla. She's a liberal Democrat (usually), but she was quite high on Palin when when came to visit in May. She's been hearing a barrage of anti-Obama propaganda, and some of the propaganda was having an effect on her and she had some worries about Obama. Her main question was how Obama could afford to go to those high-class universities if he came from a poor family, but I assured her that Obama was bright enough to get through college on scholarships.
By the end of the phone call, our friend had drifted back to the Democratic side, but I worry about her. She's dating a staunch Republican and living in Wasilla. She says Sarah has an 85% approval rating in Alaska.
