The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2472428
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Oct-08 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: Guilt by association
Sawzaw, the problem with the "Ayers card" is that there's no evidence at all that Obama participated in or supported or agreed with any illegal activities Ayers may have been involved in. "Guilt by association" is a desperate tactic of a losing campaign. I really thought the McCain campaign would conduct itself honorably and confront the issues, but they started acting like losers before the Republican Convention even began. Now it seems that every move they make is an act of desperation.

I think McCain is a good person and has something to say to America - and I think the same of Sarah Palin. But they're ignoring the issues and insisting on making nonissues into the central focus of their campaign, and that's a shame.

There's no evidence at all that Obama has ever supported any sort of terrorism, but McCain and Palin keep insisting that Obama "hangs out with terrorists." They're trying the same thing with their Acorn attacks, although there's no evidence of any substantial problem with Acorn other than a lawsuit about something that took place over 8 years ago - and there's certainly no evidence that Obama was involved in any wrongdoing with either Ayers or Acorn.
