The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2472464
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Oct-08 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
First of all, shooting down, and smearing someone and calling him names, with an opposing side, is no way to gather information, whether or not you agree with him. I find some, and not sure, of how much, Sawzaw comments and links rather validating to some of which he is saying..whether I agree, or not. He certainly raises a validated question, that deserves better than, he is getting.

That being said, CarolC raises a GREAT question, that may not have been asked, had Sawzaw posted his post..and that is," could the Annenburgs associate with Ayers? How could any Republicans at the university where he works associate with Ayers? Why is it only condemnable for the Democratic candidate for president to have that kind of association with Ayers but not all of the Republicans" .......Just Who ARE THESE PEOPLE, AND WHAT IS THEIR OVERALL AGENDA???? Seems like they got their fingers in everybody's pie!...Why???..other than what the 'press' reports, with their chosen 'tone of voice' when reporting anything on them. Maybe they are one of the 'string pullers'...favoring an agenda of 'who knows what?'

Two movies that certainly seem thought provoking, in this area, are 'Network' and 'The Candidate'...should rent wand watch both of them.
Certainly, worth considering, at this time, in our nation's history!
