The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2472866
Posted By: DougR
22-Oct-08 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
McGrath: I likely would have voted for Powell over McCain.

L.H.: I choose to believe your opinion over Ellie's regarding endorsements. Had any of the prominent Democrats you mentioned endorsed McCain over Obama one would have heard the Mudcat screams from Hawaii to Washisngton, D. C.. I was less pissed than disappointed about Powell's endorsement of Obama. I felt is reasoning was extremely weak.

Kendall:I doubt I would step into a backyard should there be pack of threatening dogs there. Llamas maybe, but not dogs.

Judging by the hate posted by some of my fellow mudcatters on this thread in respnse to my post, I assume were Max to announce a new policy stating that folks with views other than those espoused by "progressives" or "liberals" would no longer be welcome on the Mudcat, the majority here would approve. Stamp out dissent!
