The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2472880
Posted By: Bill D
22-Oct-08 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
"I assume were Max to announce a new policy stating that folks with views other than those espoused by "progressives" or "liberals" would no longer be welcome on the Mudcat, the majority here would approve. Stamp out dissent!"

That is truly an unfortunate view, Doug.... no one has suggested limiting "dissent", they have only condemned mean-spirited sounding posts. There are several 'dissenters' on here regularly, and they get heard....then they get argued with. Sure, Mudcat has 'more' left-leaning than right-leaning posters, but most of them argue about points & logic...until they feel they detect unfair comments.

As I said before, when folks you have debated with for YEARS think they see UNfairness in your posts, it might be well to review HOW you said what you said. You have always been one who was respected, as well as argued with...I'd hate to see that change.