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Thread #115401   Message #2473004
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Oct-08 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
There is always a huge outcry when any political figure breaks from "the pack" and goes his own way. Always. It's standard rhetoric, standard BS, nothing to be surprised about at all when it happens.

And you can't determine it by a hypothetical "show of hands", Ebbie. It has to REALLY happen. Then and only then will you see people's real reactions out in the open and unconcealed.

Example of that kind of thing: The Kerry campaign made a great error in 2004. They decided that to fight back aggressively against vicious smear campaigns against John Kerry would simply lose them credibility and support. They determined this by conducting informal polls amongst their support base asking the question: "Do you like/not like negative campaigning" (I'm paraphrasing it...I don't know exactly how they worded it, but that's what it amounted to).

Most people said they didn't like it. Ha! So Kerry didn't do it. But people did not answer truthfully, probably because they just aren't that aware of themselves. The fact is, they LOVE negative campaigning when the negativity is directed toward the OTHER side! They just love it to death. Observe the utter glee among Democrats and liberals whenever Sarah Palin is made fun of and ridiculed, whenever Bush is made fun of and ridiculed, whenever McCain is made fun of and ridiculed. Most liberals AND conservatives absolutely LOVE negative campaining as long as the darts are being hurled at their desired target of choice. The more the better.

Keep in mind, I want Obama to win this thing. I am disgusted with Bush and McCain, I am extremely wary regarding Sarah Palin, and I don't agree one bit with their policies or philosophies.

So I am not saying the things I say here out of an anti-Obama stance. Quite the contrary. I am simply recognizing human nature for what it usually is....subjective, prejudiced, opportunistic, frequently nasty, and extremely judgemental of others (specially when it comes to religion and politics). Like Mark Twain, I note this about human nature, and I comment on it when I see it matter which side of the political line it happens on.