The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115474   Message #2473093
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Oct-08 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
No kidding. ;-) Look, I wasn't talking about UFOs, Ron. I don't even use that term anymore, because as you have indicated it simply means ANY flying object that is seen but not positively identified...and we have all seen thousands of such objects in our lives (most of which were nothing unusual). No big deal.

No, I used the term AFO. Alien Flying Object. What I mean by AFO is not just an object that I can't identify. No...I mean an object that I can plainly see is some kind of unknown vehicle, built by some intelligent beings, maneuvering in the sky in what must by all appearances be a purposeful manner. I'm talking about a technological vehicle of highly unusual sort.

It is clearly one of two things:

1. a secret vehicle built by a government on this planet...
2. an alien vehicle built by aliens from who knows where?

Given what I saw, and for a variety of other reasons, I think it more likely that the vehicles I and many other have seen are mostly of non-Earthly origin, but I don't doubt that some of them are of Earthly origin too. I'm sure some of them (a fairly small minority of such sightings) are classified military vehicles.

In other words, there are a large variety of things going on up there in our skies with unusual vehicles, and there isn't just one simple answer to what it is. There are multiple answers to what it is, and probably multiple sources of these vehicles both on the Earth and elsewhere.

UFO is a useless term, Ron. That's why I don't use it anymore. It contributes nothing useful to the discussion, but simply provides a petty semantic target of opportunity for people who want to pooh-pooh the entire subject of the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors.