The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2473173
Posted By: DougR
22-Oct-08 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Kendall: "Jesus was a community organizer." Really? Well, you could have sure fooled me. Methinks the halo above Obama's head has affected your thinking, my friend.

No point is comparing McCain's experience to Obama's. It's obvious to any thinking person. Even Palen has had more executive experience than Obama.

Obama is an excellent communicator (if he has a teleprompter) without that aid, though, he's just average. One would think, listening to him extemporaneously though, one might think he invented the words, "Uh," "and, and".

Just another thought, you folks may be planning your celebration victory a mite too soon. I heard today that the latest AP poll puts them neck and neck with Obama leading by one percentage point. No landslide that.
