The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115474   Message #2473339
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Oct-08 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
My guess is that you would find a good deal of socialism in any reasonably advanced and complex society. We have a good deal of it in place in the USA and Canada, for example, but Americans don't seem to have any idea what it is.

Here's a clue: Without socialism you would not have -

the police force
the government (at all levels right down to the town council)
the courts and justice system
the structure of laws that regulate a society
public libraries
community centres and public athletic facilities
public drinking fountains
park benches
public buildings of all sorts
a public school system
a fire department
hospitals and ambulances
roads and highways and bridges
networks of hydro and other utility lines
networks to carry communications media
satellites in space
shelters for the homeless
traffic lights and street signs
national, state and provincial parks
legal protections for the environment
a bill of rights
a coast guard
a constitution
a postal service

NONE of those things in their present forms could exist without socialism in place to first create and then sustain them, because they were all put in place by people on a public payroll...public servants...people who earn a living from public funds collected through taxes.

That's socialism. You cannot NOT have it! Americans don't seem to know that. Amazing. It is no enemy to capitalism, it simply does the various stuff capitalism doesn't apply to or can't be bothered with because it ain't profitable!

Yes, I'm sure our friends in space (if they are there at all) have socialism...and probably quite a bit more of it than we do.