The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2473698
Posted By: Big Mick
23-Oct-08 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
I have never met DougR, other than through the posts he graces these pages with. I seriously doubt he has ever participated in a cross burning, or a lynching. I would be surprised if I heard that the word n****r had ever crossed his lips. I cannot respond to what type of a person he is, because I don't live near him nor am I witness to his actions. But what can be responded to are the words he posts here. And that is what I did. What he posted was a racist, demeaning comment about a man of his own political party simply because that same man took a position in opposition.

DougR, don't you dare try to shift this off and change the premise. No one here forced you to write what you did. Had you given an opinion that was worthy of reason and debate, I would have responded with a reasonable argument. That is not what YOU DID. You are getting criticized, and rightly so, for your own comments. Had you shown the character to have reflected on those comments, apologized for them (or at least acknowledged that they were poorly thought out), and then stated your arguments in a better way, we would simply be debating the comments. And by the way, my response to them was wholly based on your own words, so you can lay off the whiny "I'm being attacked because I disagree with the liberal elite here" crap. That is simply an attempt to gain sympathy. You get none, sir. Your comments were reprehensible. Your comments are the kind that have allowed this type of racist rhetoric, and subconscious code words that appeal to the fears of people, to flourish. It is because decent people refuse to react with disgust that this goes on. But I will no longer allow these things to go unchallenged.

You say it, you will be held accountable. It is that simple.
