The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2473763
Posted By: Azizi
23-Oct-08 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
As an African American and, more importantly as a human being, let me say that I consider it important that Mick's statements and other such statements be publicly made.

The times, they are changing. More & more people are realizing that a person's racial and ethnic identity should be nothing more than a valueless descriptor.

But those times when race & ethnicity are valueless descriptors won't come without working to eradicate institutional racism. And those times won't come unless-without malice-examples of intended racism and examples of unintended racism are addressed.

I don't think that means that we should be play "gotcha" games when someone unknowingly makes a prejudiced remark, or when someone is unintentially racist in his or her actions. But if no one speaks up to let a person know that his or her remarks and/or actions are prejudiced, than a teaching moment for that individual and others would be missed.

Of course, it's not just what is said, but how and when it is said. Although I've tried, there have been times on this forum when I've forgotten that. So-yes-I'm talking to myself as well as to others.      

Letting go of old racial paradigms benefits us all. For our children and our children's sake, let's move on.