The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2475257
Posted By: DougR
24-Oct-08 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Mick: My reply to your post attacking me as a racist:

Paragraph #1. These are irrefutable facts, not opinion.

Paragraph #2. This is opinion, or prediction if you please. I assume, since we reside in the country that you obviously love so well, that citizens are still allowed to have opinions even though they may not agree with your own.

The balance of your post had nothing to do with my post. I never questioned your patriotism, didn't try to convert you to my religion, and as a U. S. Army veteran myself, I have the greatest respect for anyone who wore our country's uniform. I don't know where you were going with that verbiage but it darned sure had nothing to do with my post.

I do have one question for you, however. Who appointed you arbiter of what is and what is not a racist statement? Joe? Max? God?

Check out Carol C's post of 20 Oct.-10:41PM: "I lost all respect for Colin Powel because of that speech before the United Nations. As far as I was concerned he had sold his soul." In the next paragraph she states that he has almost redeemed himself by doing something of which she approves.

Is Carol C. a racist?
