The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2475485
Posted By: Big Mick
24-Oct-08 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
The problem with that argument, friend Art, is that it ignores the sociological problems in our society that have evolved with racism for centuries. While I applaud the sentiment, the old saying, "If you have one drop, you are....." is exactly indicative of the problem. The real reason I react so strongly is that I believe that we are at a moment where we can make a huge leap forward in this area. But I believe that for that to happen, people of conscience must be completely intolerant of any type of code words, arguments, or attempts to mitigate the evil this shameful disease of society. I ask the white folks in this place, ... how many times have you allowed someone to get away with racially charged language (use of the n word, etc.) in your presence because no African descended folks were around?

Actually this is timely, based on a phone call I just got from my 16 year old. We live in a rural community with few folks of color. Ciara has been raised with the same types of values as her Da believes in. She just called me because she is taking a lot of heat for supporting "a nigger". I have always taught her that to live a life of integrity and honesty means having to take heat for one's principles and that at times it would hurt. This is one of those times for my little girl. The Dad in me wants to rush out and protect her, but this kid is willing to go toe to toe for what she believes in, and in the end result will be better for it. Ciara recognizes the ignorance of these young folks, but she still has to pay a price socially for her views, but that is a burden she is willing to bear in pursuit of what she believes. She is quite a remarkable, and resilient, kid. And she has integrity. I am a lucky man.
