The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2475534
Posted By: Donuel
24-Oct-08 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Ron, I too risk making posts on days when I probably should not, such as when I have a migraine.

What seperates me from people who give a believable impression of something despicable, is that after the headache I get better.

Certainly I have changed over 9 years while people who seem totally misinformed, mindless and bereft of any meaningful intelligence keep rolling on the same track as if by some perpetual motion of biologic inertia.


I am on occaison misinformed but make an effort to admit it.
After being hit by lightning I even felt mindless but felt better a year later.
As for meaningful intelligence others will always be the judge of that.

or as grandpa Schatz used to succinctly say,
"Ya can't fix stupid!"