The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115594   Message #2476198
Posted By: Joybell
25-Oct-08 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Study of the Billy Barlow Phenomenon
Subject: Folklore: Study of the Billy Barlow Phenomenon
"Hey Ho Raggedy-O. A Study of the Billy Barlow Phenomenon".
By me. With lots of help from my friends.

Well here it is. Ten years of study. Years in the writing.
Lots and lots of hard work by my new and wonderful friend, Valda Low, who converted it for the web. Also, together we tracked down new material for the re-written chapter about Australia's very own Inimitable Barlow.

Another new friend folklorist, Warren Fahey, believed in the project and gave me the chance to have my study of my dear Billy Barlow -- in his many, many manifestations -- out here in cyberspace.

I can't properly convey my thanks to Warren and Valda.
So here you go:

Never can get these to work.
Three Cheers and a Tiger for Billy Barlow