The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2476261
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
26-Oct-08 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Ok, as many of you know, I've been reluctant to think either of the two candidates are worth the attention, that they have mustered up. However,
I've been leaving a little window open, to be persuaded by either one, one way or the other. Before McCain was nominated, I actively routed against him, for being a phony, to his stated ideals. I actually routed for Obama to win the nomination, just so Hillary would disappear into one of the lesser footnotes of history. I've stated my position on here, and was very clear about it, and as we all exchanged posts, some people, of both persuasions, shared either their facts, rumors, accusations, talking points, et al, along with their rebuttals, with each other. For a while, I reserved comment about either one, in hopes that, perhaps, there would be some, just some tidbit, that would tip it, one way or the other. Being open, also put me into a position of being very objective, because there have been so many allegations, and outright lies, from both sides,..well, you just can't believe either one, till something solid panned out. Personally, I preferred the lesser candidates, that the 'news' media absolutely fails to cover.

HOWEVER, something happened yesterday, that I thought I'd share, that may, or may not, interest you. It is true, and I have several personal eye witness accounts of it.

Friday, our cabinet maker, decided to go, with his family, to a neighboring town, of Durango, Colorado, to attend a McCain 'rally', on the high school grounds. Today, when he came by the house, to bring some stuff for the kitchen trim.
I asked him how it was.
He said it was 'great', so on and so forth.
Then he added, 'There were a lot of protesters there, too'.
I asked, 'Well, how was that?'
He replied,'They were nasty!'
He replied,'Yeah,they were blocking the streets,screaming everything
from the vicious, to the obscene'...and he proceeded to tell me some details about them, including wearing bandannas, and hooded masks over their faces, and in general, just being frenzied punks.

Well, I figured, 'Aw, that's just his perspective, being as he is a McCain supporter, so I didn't give it too much mind, being as both sides punctuate the foibles of the other.

But, today, we had to go to Durango, ourselves to get some building materials at Home Depot, and a couple of other stops. Being curious, I figured I'd ask some of the locals their opinions, either way.

My little survey, included employees, from the stores we went to, a policeman, I button holed to talk to, and some shoppers, contractors,
and various others. Just average people.

With NO EXCEPTIONS they began to tell me pretty much the same story, some expressing embarrassment, fear, disgust, etc,etc. They described it as a frenzy, extremely hostile, dangerous, and one likened it to a mob scene, right out of the news, from the middle east!!! Effigies of Bush and McCain kissing, traffic being blocked and passengers, just passing through being victims of vulgar screams and catcalls.....

'Who were they?' I asked, at every occasion.
"Obama supporters', was the repeated answer.

I found myself thinking about the 'passion' I've seen in the Mudcat Forum, and debated within myself, whether to post anything about this, to you. I've witnessed, on here, some of the most inane, arguments, spins, and denials of well supported facts, and the avoidance of well thought out questions, ..and I've come to the conclusion..Ok, I still don't like McCain, but if this is indicative of Obama supporters, this country is in some serious, serious trouble, the likes we've never seen. Everyone, just step back, take a breath, and without prejudice, or the truth, no matter which way the chips fall.

No 'cure remarks' this morning.