The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115600   Message #2476393
Posted By: Azizi
26-Oct-08 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Subject: RE: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
alanabit, I also consider that email to be offensive. I applaud your reply and agree with all the points that you made.

I believe that people need to leave behind deeply rooted outdated, and counter-productive 18th, 19th century, and 20th century culturally stereotypes and stop creating and passing along new 21st century stereotypes. These characterizations of groups of people have negative societal and personal consequences.

Unless people of good speak up about words and actions that ridicule and otherwise demean individuals because of their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and/or other variables, some people may not "get" that such words and actions are not only counterproductive, but they are also hurtful and at least potentially dangerous to the targeted individual/group. I also believe that these bigoted words and actions are ultimately emotionally and spiritually to the person who speaks and/or acts out these stereotypes.

Thanks, again, Alan for taking a principled stand!