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Thread #115600   Message #2476406
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Oct-08 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Subject: RE: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
This is typical hyperbole that is cranked out, with no regard to fact checking, in the U.S. also. Scare people to get the political outcome you wish. Bush did it for the 2004 election. This kind of talk is cheap.

In some ways we bring it on ourselves by not including "civics 101" in our high schools and doing a better job in general of educating the population on what our laws really are.

Truth be told, most of these immigrants would rather stay at home, but come (wherever) for family and financial reasons, or because they are fleeing harsh conditions or war.

Reaching out internationally to assist (not the way W did, but invading Iraq to "fix" it) other nations will make it easier for people to stay where they want to. And contrary to the belief of the lowest-common-denominator of under-educated folks, a guest worker program on a much larger scale would mean that (for example) many of the Mexican illegal aliens wouldn't be illegal and they wouldn't be forced to stay here year-round so they could get work when it was available. They could go home during the off season, and they would.

Thanks for replying back to your friends, Alan. I've lost a few friends that way also, but if no one points out this is a wacko view of the world, they might not figure it out for themselves.