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Thread #115544   Message #2476503
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadon
26-Oct-08 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Canvassers
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Canvassers
No, I didn't narrow it, I just forgot to type 'others'. Had I narrowed it, I would probably have added 'to me'.

"Finaly, once again, If you say no I shouldn't keep pressing, that's a given. I have said no. You keep pressing. I will not comment on that but ask others to draw their own conclusion:-)"

Lovely. Either I shut up and concede your point that I share the same belief as the Taliban, or I can speak up, in which case you go 'see, he insists on hounding people,' or words to that effect.
Where was I pressing my religion on you, which is what that quote reffers to. Where was I asking you to talk about your own faith, which you said is deeply personal?
You are spouting nonsense about me, I want to refute it.
Very nice tactic, Dave.

"Secondly, I'm not telling you that you are the same as the Taliban or Torquemada. I am just saying that they share the same beliefs as you"

Rather abstractly and superficially, but then it is easy to deal in generalisations.

"Their approach is quite different to yours but what they did and still do, they do in the name of your religion whether you like it or not. You can either work actively to stop them doing so or you can get out of the club. I chose the latter. If you stay in the club and do nothing to stop the extremism then you are as good as condoning it. If you can show how you are active in stopping them then my hat is off to you."

Ok, what are you doing about it? Sticking your head in the sand?
How has THAT helped stop extremists? I believe in freedom of conscience, I believe in protecting people's religious rights even if they are very different to my own. I vote for laws that will uphold them. I believe in seperation of church and state, and living which does have a state religion, I use my vote to try and change that. If I were to come across any extremists in my own religion, I would try my hardest to dissuade them.
I try to learn as much as I can about other religions and how they believe and see things, because ignorance invariably leads to trouble.
If you expect me to stop the Taliban singlehandedly, then you are in for a long wait.

Nobody does anything in the abstract name of 'religion'. No, people do things in the name of THEIR religion.
The Taliban believe in an all-powerful god, so do I, but the difference lies in who he is and what his relationship to us is. Sure, they believe in messengers from god, but we differ as to who they were, their role and their message. There is a world of difference in there. I believe that God has given everyone free will, the right to make their own choices and that FORCING every knee to bow and every tongue confess (to borrow a Biblical phrase) is WRONG and that it offends God. Let God deal with them in his own time and own way.
Excuse me, but I disagree with you that the Taliban believes that they are spreading happiness and joy.   

"Like I said - I am not 'tarring you'. Just pointing out that these people do commit attrocities in the name of your beliefs and, as yet, you have not told us what you are doing about it."

No, they commit atrocities in the name of THEIR beliefs. I am as responsible for them as you yourself are.