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Thread #115600   Message #2476513
Posted By: katlaughing
26-Oct-08 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Subject: RE: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
I know it is an emotional issue, but please folks do NOT respond to the trolling. If you will notify Joe or one of the clones by PM, we can take care of it without a thread devolving into a slag fest. Thanks.

Alan, thank you for the heads-up about the circular. Your response was excellent. I hope your "friends" open their minds a bit and understand the issues better thanks to you.

Whenever I see something like this I know it is driven by fear, as most negative emotions are; fear of lack, fear of anything different. Sometimes, because of visible characteristics, it is easier to find targets for that fear. All of it is terrible. It seems more awful, in a way, when it comes out in a physical way, i.e. violence, but it is more insidious and seemingly "respectable" when it is circulated as you have seen, through such emails as the one above. I am NOT saying the physical is preferable. NONE of it is preferable. It's just the nature of such emails has a lasting and intransigent effect and must needs be deflected, corrected, and/or stamped out.

One of the things which would help, SRS has already mentioned, better education through Civics classes. But, that only reaches the children and may cause strife for them at home if their parents are bigots. We also need education for the adults which may include presentations, multi-cultural fests, films, etc. to open their eyes. I remember when I worked with the Wyoming Grassroots Project, a human rights organisation; we showed many films to the public which chronicled the lives of various cultures in our country; sometimes they were about the beauty of the culture with its musical traditions, etc., other times they were about the very real ugliness: murder, intimidation, etc. which was perpetrated against anyone perceived to be of that background. Some stand out in my mind, still, including how a town in Montana stood up to white supremacists who attacked a Jewish family. "Not in Our Town" was so inspiring, other communities followed suit, having their own marches of solidarity against racism, etc.

You have started your own march, Alan, and I am salute you for it. May all those who value diversity, a basic human right to life and dignity, follow your lead. Thank you, my friend, for doing what is "right."

kat, s.r.c.