The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115600   Message #2476518
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Oct-08 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Subject: RE: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Alanabit - The "joke" that you received is typical of a kind of zenopohobic propaganda that goes around, its purpose to raise paranoia in people about foreigners and people who are "different", particularly Muslims these days, and thus fool people into supporting various things like:

1. Foreign wars on countries which are no threat to England or America, but which have a lot of oil.

2. Neoconservative economic policies which enrich the richest 3% of the population and impoverish everyone else and increase the national debt and reduce your social services.

3. Increasingly draconian surveillance of the population in your own homeland by an increasingly irresponsible and dictatorial police force and security services.

4. Ever-increasing efforts to divide and conquer the public by making them suspicious and fearful of each other, so that their fear and anger will be directed at other sectors of the population rather than at their rulers.


People who fall for that sort of thing are part of the problem, needless to say, and they seem to have been getting the governments they deserve for quite awhile now...but the rest of us (who would like to live in peace with our brothers and sisters) do not deserve those governments at all.