The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2476568
Posted By: Riginslinger
26-Oct-08 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Operation Expose: Obama Supports Driver's Licenses for Illegals
Contact: Pamela Geller,,, 516-426-7630

OPINION, October 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- 77% of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens, but not Barack Obama. In two Democratic debates, he unequivocally endorsed giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens, empowering them with the gold standard of American I.D. cards. And as state Senator, he voted to train, license and insure illegal aliens to operate motor vehicles.

His stated reason? "To protect public safety." Apparently, Senator Obama was not impressed with the blow to public safety of 9/11. 13 of the 19 hijackers had driver's licenses, which were crucial to implementing their plot. Nor is he concerned about Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff's warning that granting driver's licenses to illegal aliens would undermine national security.

A new ad by The National Republic Trust PAC highlights Obama's radically out-of-the-mainstream position on driver's licenses for illegals. The ad notes that giving driver's licenses to illegals enables them to get government benefits, obtain a mortgage, board a plane, and even vote.

You can see the ad here.

And read more about the issue here.