The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115600   Message #2476798
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
26-Oct-08 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Subject: RE: BS: A horrible, racist circular...
Often the best thing to do with racist crap is to ignore it, on the basis that a response just rewards and encourages it. I think that applied in the context of posts on the Mudcat, for example, even before a settled policy of deleting them by the clones had become established.

But in the case of stuff like that email I think it is right to challenge people who circulate it, especially friends. Of course when we do that we open ourselves to the response that it's all just fun, and objecting to it means we've lost our sense of humour, and that is a powerful put down. Normally accompanied these days by cracks about "political correctness gone mad" and so forth.

A few years back I wrote a song about this called "Poison in Jest", and I posted it in a thread on the Mudcat. (And the post that the incomparable Rick Fielding made referring to it immediately after is something of which I am still grateful and proud.)

Here is "Poison in Jest" once more:

Now there's a funny way of talking called "Politically Correct" -
Silly fools who think that words have some kind of effect.
Now that's surely not a notion that's entitled to respect -
So I'd like to poke a little fun at this strange dialect.
For when I meet some oddity I like to speak direct.
No, I never mess around with being "Politically Correct".
So I speak to them direct, that's what they must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

So I say "Good Morning, Mr Nigger!",
or "How goes it, you old Yid?"
The answers that I get, I find surprising.
And I like seeing tins marked "Cripples",
or "For Little Spastic Kids" - I think euphemisims are so patronising!
So I speak to them direct, that's what they must expect
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

So, perhaps you are a Poofter, or a Gippo with a van,
or perhaps you are a Mongol or a Moron -
or perhaps you come from Essex, Essex Girl or Essex Man,
and perhaps your name is Tracy, Wayne or Sharon
Well, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

If I call you what I choose, what's that got to do with you?
It's not my problem if the words appall you.
It's how I always speak when I'm talking to a freak,
and it doesn't really matter what I call you.
Yes, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

And if anybody says that I offends,
why then I just assume an
injured look - my poor little friends,
you must have lost your sense of humour.
And a sense of fun, when all is done,
it never should desert you.
And sticks and stones can break your bones -
but words can really hurt you.

So, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
For I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

Now some might call it courtesy,
or politeness or respect -
But I prefer to call it "being Politically Correct".