The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114174   Message #2476898
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-Oct-08 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Well can you visualize MaCain singing in Spanish "No, we can't". The latino vote well go to Obama based on intelligence & the Latino's in America both citizens & non citizens have much to fear from a MaCain/Palin administration. Palin will make it her religious crusade to come down on them (Latianos) with a vengence in the guise of immigation reform.
Speaking of the MaCain/Palin ticket, in the waining days it seem that their camain is starting to implode. There is in-fighting among each idiots camps. Although MaCain is trying to keep up a good face the fuss is spilling over. If the the Obama campain wants to run with the disent it's all over. "Imagine MaCain & Palin sharing the White House, they can't even share in their campains".

"Only an imbecile or the insane would want more of the same."

I guess you just don't get it Rig!
It's the republicans that have been dissing intelligence throughout this campain, from the very beginning. Trying to downplay "those Harvard elitists". MaCain isn't working with that much to start with & now he picks someone who's got less going for her than Bush & what's worst is he's surrounding himself with mediocre leftovers from the same Bush administration. Meanwhile, the intelligence of the Obama/Biden ticket is showing through like sunshine through a break in a cloudy sky, what makes it all clearer are those that are coming out for Obama (like Powell) & the intelligence that he's surrounding himself with.
No one with brains is steering anyone from Obama, if anything those with brains all seem to be blazing a trail towards the Obama/Biden ticket, you should ask yourself why. If you think it won't take brains to get US out of this mess & if you think that intelligence is on the side of MaCain/Palin you need to rethink your thought process.

Barry for Obama

We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Sweetheart John & Sara Story, check out the early voting. MaCain did get one important vote, Bush's, 'enough said.