The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115401   Message #2477217
Posted By: Big Mick
27-Oct-08 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell supports Obama
McCain, I believe, will lose this election. But to blame it on McCain, Soros, or any other single issue/person is naieve. He will lose it as much because of Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich as any other reason. They are the ones who sowed the seeds of the crop that is being reaped in front of our eyes. Folks in the USA might still be spouting silly cliche's in their political dialogue, but they have woken up to the failed economics of the trickle down era and its successors. They may still mouth the silly whisper campaign generated drivel, but they are finally wising up to the fact that they have been voting against their own best interests. And they are seeing that the old "work hard and get ahead" crap was merely a feint to get you to look other places while the money lords got you to finance them, and transfer your wealth to them, through the use of over financing of credit debt. I saw an interesting stat on one of the morning shows today. It indicated that up until the recent past, Americans were saving an average of $10.00 out of every $100.00. Today that number is about 60 cents out of every $100.00. At one point a few years back it was actually a negative number. Now you can lay that off to irresponsibility on the part of the general population if you are looking for neat little answers. Or you can use your brain and look at it rationally, in which case you will understand that there was a massive push to take advantage of folks, get their money, and it led us to this moment.

Yeah, McCain will lose IMO, and it will be largely due to his embracing old and discredited policies, being out of touch with where folks are really at, a lousy choice as his VP (probably his largest error), stacking his campaign with folks that have an agenda (Rove-ites, lobbyists, etc). There will be plenty of blame to go around.

One last thing. For those who are Obama supporters, or who have hope that this young man will save us, be aware that the day after the election (presuming Obama is elected), the largest assault you have ever seen will begin on him. It will make the assault on the character and credibility of Bill Clinton seem like an episode from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. I believe Obama has all the tools needed to effectuate the types of changes necessary, but only if the rabid supporters continue their activism after the campaign is over. You may rest assurred that the dark forces are already planning their strategies to neuter this young man and reclaim control of the money system. These will be revolutionary times, and the stakes are nothing less than the future of your children and grandchildren. We must have a mandate in order to do the things that must be done. We must change the makeup of the Congress, and get the types of majorities necessary to allow this man to lead effectively.
