The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2477984
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Oct-08 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Well, I've told you how it is!..was!..You know, all, we have all witnessed the mood of the protesters, BOTH SIDES, and maybe you're all mesmerized by your computer screens, or perhaps you're thinking this is all light weight stuff, and a couple choruses of Kumbaya will make it all go away. Today on the news, (no pictures included), they arrested two bozos who were plotting to off Obama. Anybody home??? As I posted before, this is one of the nastiest etc etc, elections, I've ever witnessed, only second to Chicago, 1968. I guess this only matters, to you, if it can be reduced to 'win' an argument on a blog.

What many, don't seem to connect, either on the far right, or the far left, is that these tensions, are caused by the two options we have been offered. For those on the right, you may not realize, that if McCain continues Bush's economic policies, which seems to favor, the elite of corporations, the doors are left wide open for the economic disaster, with all its ills, that we have witnessed(with more to come), are only going to spiral inflation, and more government bailouts, and 'privatizing' of government services, coupled with the corruption that goes along with that.

What the left doesn't get, is that while Obama's poll number continue to hold a lead, (and at this point, it appears he is going to win), the stock market is plummeting. Why, you might ask?. Because with his programs, which include taxing capital gain taxes, and going after the 'rich'. , in addition to Obama raising taxes to fund his social(istic) programs. People who have invested in stock futures, know that it's time to bail from the market, and cut their losses. Now before your itchy fingers, get ready to argue that, take pause for a moment, and ask yourselves..was I able to buy the computer you're on, because of an economy that allowed you to afford to buy it,..or was it made possible by a government social welfare program??? Same can be asked about your instruments, you allegedly play?...among other things.

Either of the opposing sides see the flaws of the other side, without either side taking an honest look at themselves. It might make for 'fun' pseudo-intellectual debates on here, and other places, but it is splitting our country apart, and making the fears of both sides come true. Now, on the left, some Einstein, will put forth a bunch of theoretical, ideological rant of why what I posted is not true...that same smart-ass, never owned or bought or sold a piece of stock in his life, either. So let me clue you in, the markets are falling due to an anticipated Obama win.... and to continue the Bush's(read: Paulsen's) economic policies got us into this mess....... Either way, we are going to get more meddlesome, intrusive, police state type government.So, get energized!!..Pick your poison., and above all, sing Kumbaya, and have fun!!