The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2478000
Posted By: irishenglish
28-Oct-08 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
For Gfs' benefit, since he seems so fucking jaded.

I am a liberal. I own a few stocks and IRA's. I have not, nor will not bail on the market right now, as the money I have in those is, in essence, "found money." Does that make me an Einstein? Or does it just make me a PERSON who happened to invest some money?

I bought my computer the old fashioned way, the same as I buy all my major purchases. Saving until I could afford them, putting that money in a boring old savings account. It was not, as you so gleefully put it, through a government social welfare program. Simple math-computer costs lets just say $1000. Put away money for a month or two without dipping into your weekly expenses and bills, maybe eat out a little less, stop buying coffee in the morning out, and whammo-new computer in a short time.

You seem to like to translate your thoughts onto people with an awful lot of assumptions about them. You seem to like the labels as well, such as socialist. You don't seem to understand that, yes, a lot of people are struggling in this country right now, including my wife and I. She just started college again, at age 30. We pay our rent on time. We have savings. We are able to go out on the weekend. We are struggling, but you know what? We figure it out. I don't want to be paying $4 for a gallon of milk, or frankly $12 for a six pack of beer. But we do. It ain't always easy, but we do. So forgive me, if I believe that the burden placed on millions of people like us across this country, and those even worse off could do far, far worse, than have a re-evaluation of the way things are going right now.