The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2478050
Posted By: CarolC
28-Oct-08 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
One thing that people who are promoting this idea fail to see (but many people with money to invest do not fail to see) is the fact that our economy is failing because it is stuck. It's stuck in an old paradigm that doesn't work any more. It's an oil based economy in an age when oil is becoming scarce. In order to maintain this old economic paradigm, it is necessary to wage resource wars all over the world, and to suppress whole societies and suppress peoples desire for, and striving toward democracy. This paradigm is good for enriching a few people at the top (spectacularly so), but it can't continue to grow indefinitely. Sooner or later it has to collapse like a house of cards. Which is what it's doing now.

The reason getting Obama elected will help the economy, is because he understands how to transition the country into the new economic paradigm. He understands that the economy has to move beyond the petroleum economy and into the green economy. That's where all of the future growth is. And once we are in the green economic paradigm, we won't need to waste vast amounts of money, resources, and human lives enforcing our stranglehold on the oil producing countries in the Middle East. When those vast amounts of money are freed up, they will be pumped back into the economy here at home, which will help it to grow even more.

The old paradigm is dead. The only question is how long people like the Republicans and their supporters are willing to wallow around in its corpse before they decide to let go and allow the rest of humanity to continue along in its natural evolution.