The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115658   Message #2478244
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
28-Oct-08 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher meets mudcatter
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher meets mudcatter
Well, why is people getting in debt the fault of La Thatch...
well you'd know if you'd lived at the bottom of society in those years.

1) She initially allowed enormous pay settlemts to fuel inflation (for her own foul degraded vision of social engineering) whilst freezing incapacity benefit etc. An effective cut of nearly thirty per cent. - so if you wanted to fill the shopping trolley , or get a holiday - you flashed the plastic.

2) She pissed way kings ransoms and more on projects such as fund holding GP's and the national curriculum. Most of the money ending in the back pockets of her cronies.

3) With that money the country could have been got right after the ravages of the OPEC years. can you imagine petrol rising from less than 30p a gallon to over a pound in a handful of years - no other government has had to contend with that. And put up with the sneering morally ugly sons of bitches in the tory press.

4) She promulgated the idea of a painless war. Lots of miles away. lots of government contracts. Free dibs for all the rich cats and arms manafacturers. Victory parades. Photo opportunities , a few dead working class kids - no need to buy them more uniforms, or decent equpment on the battlefield, or let the disfigured ones get on the victory parade. Costs a bit though.

5) 28% of the manafacturing capacity gone in one year alone - so no prospect of earning money - although the adverts drip through to you on telly like the Chinese water torture - telling just what sort of life you could give your kids - if only you weren't a moral failure in tory terms.

Quite frankly if you're one of her mates - your sensibility and conscience has more holes in it than Blackburn, Lancashire.