The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2478266
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
28-Oct-08 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
1. McCain obviously belongs to the Josef Goebbels school of rhetoric. Give the idiots in your population something, or someone, to fear and you can easily persuade them to vote for Jack the Ripper. In Germany Adolf used the Jews as bogeyman. McCain isn't satisfied with just using the black card. He wants to scare Americans with something they REALLY don't understand, so he calls him a SOCIALIST.

2. Americans in general haven't a clue what the word socialism means, and see it as a threat to society. Basically, genuine socialism is about NOT sitting on your porch with a six pack and a pile of sandwiches, while watching your neighbour starve to death. It is about being prepared to offer a little of what you have to help someone less fortunate. From what I have read of the history of America, it was built on that kind of neighbourliness. But that was a long time ago, and you all seem to have forgotten how.

3. The mark of a civilised nation is not how advanced its technology, nor how large its assets. It is how well it treats its poorest, and most vulnerable citizens. In that respect the USA is at present no more than semi civilised. Obama my well turn out to be the man to change that, and deal with what is wrong at home, rather than attempting to be the world's policeman like his predecessor.

4. What you decide in this election, has ramifications for a large proportion of the world's population, which makes it arguably the most important vote in the history of your nation. Think hard about whether it is more important to fight foreign wars for control of other peoples' resources, or to fight at home against injustice, and bigotry.

Don T.